Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Better than a Badger

A film version of "The Golden Compass"--the first book in a series that I quite enjoyed--is slated for a December release. I find it fun (but sometimes difficult) to see a movie based on a good book, because the director's vision usually differs quite significantly my own.
Initially, I was a bit perturbed to see that Nicole Kidman had been cast in a leading role. I can't think of any film of hers that I have liked. "Moulin Rouge" was interesting, but that had more to do with the crazy directing style of Baz Luhrmann. Let's see...."Far and Away"? "Eyes Wide Shut"? Nope, I think she worked too much with Tom Cruise, who also hasn't made any good movies. Why are these people so famous?
Anyway, since her character is a silkily charming villian, it will probably work. Daniel Craig seems perfect for the part of Lord Asriel (I'm not a fan of the whole Bond franchise, but I think he made a good 007), and I only hope that the little girl in the starring role can act. A weak, stumbing heroine would ruin the whole thing. In recent years, though, other films in this vein like "Harry Potter" and "Narnia" have managed to exhibit some talented kids and become excellent adaptations of imaginative stories.
I went to the website The Golden Compass Movie to view the trailer, and stumbled upon another version of the "what animal are you?" quiz. All right, this one is supposed to reveal the incarnation of one's soul, a daemon, which takes a friendly animal form. I found this concept to be quite appealing when I read the novel. Who wouldn't want a constant buddy (and a cuddly one at that) with whom to face the world?
Although I don't agree with all the characteristics--I've never considered myself all that competitive--I ended up with a pretty cool animal. And it's a cat, naturally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love snow leopards, especially ones that are "softly spoken, assertive, competitive, modest, and spontaneous". I actually see many such snow leopards during my trips to places like "Snow Leopard Gorge" and "Mount Softly Spoken Snow Leopard." They're great.

Your friend,

Dr. Slojak-Pittman
Head Vet
Dept. of Large Cats
University of Katmandu, Nepal