Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Here I Am!

So it's been awhile since I've entered the blogosphere. Yeah, well, sometimes I don't have much to say. Did I tell you about the time I got a wicked bite off a moose? No? Well, maybe some other time. It was a very small moose, anyway. Maybe Doberman-sized.

Well, besides being ultra busy with moosey business, I've had some cookie trouble. Not high-altitude cookie trouble, mind you, since I seem to have figured out most of my Wyoming baking issues (except for pecan pie--I don't know if I will risk that mess again), but computer cookie problems. My blogger and Google accounts wouldn't let me in due to disabled cookies. Handicapped desserts? Crippled Crunchies? With the way the cookie crumbles, I couldn't have blogged even if I wanted to.

But, as it's obvious I still haven't come up with anything to say, maybe that wasn't such a catastrophe.

I did read about a unique web site that made me laugh. Some guy took the Garfield comic strip and removed everyone but John, the dorky human. It makes for some really existential comic-tragedy and a strip that is sometimes funnier than the original. I wonder if this could be done for other strips as well, my favorites F Minus and Get Fuzzy are already pretty wacky, so it probably wouldn't work too well for them. Dilbert without Dilbert would probably be just as creepily realistic with office cubicle horrors and Peanuts without Charlie Brown would be just as boring (I mean, really, when are they going to discontinue that old thing, anyway?). Or, erase both Dagwood and Blondie. Please. And take Horrible Hagar, Beetle Bailey and those wretched little Family Circus kids with you.

It's been a busy month. Not only did I not get charged by a grizzly, I also did not win any awards whatsoever. Not even a Tony. I have been diligently waiting for the postman (or woman) to bring me a box of $100s, but that has yet to happen. I failed to patent any inventions, or even invent anything to patent. So you can see why I haven't had time to write a silly little blog.

What else can I say? It snowed today; only for about five minutes, but still. I like snow in the winter, but a snow shower on June 11th is a bit much. Yesterday's weather was perfect, though, with temps in the 70s and sunny with a slight breeze. I've decided to drop everything and go outside on days like that. Or take things outside with me. It's almost like I've erased myself from the workplace in a kind of way.


Anonymous said...

A bite off a moose? What kind of grammatical construction is this? Kindly consult your manual of prepositions so that I can understand who did the biting and who did the getting bit.

As for comics, I would suggest that tampering with someone else's intellectual property is tantamount to murder, extortion, forgery, and terrorism.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you consider impersonating a Jaggeroth "tampering with someone else's intellectual property?" Hmm, Scaroth? (If that is your real name.) Besides, when you murdered that little scientist with your ray gun and attempted to forge some Mona Lisas you didn't seem so worried about ethics.

Anonymous said...

Listen, you, ethics are essentially a human constraint, and since I am part of that glorious alien race (The Jaggeroth), I don't need to worry about them. Still, when here on earth, I think it is incumbent upon me, as an alien species, to correct grammar, and defend the international covenant on copyright. Yes, I murder people, especially people who don't produce scientific equations fast enough. But, as it happens, the scientist in questions had just copied (word for word) A La Recherche de Temps Passe and tried to pass it off as his own work, titled "I have no idea who's the bad guy, and I'm almost done. I have a guess, but I don't think it's right." Of course, I was wise to him, since he had just whipped up a fresh pot of Borscht, so busting him down to size was really satisfying. AND, from a certain perspective, I didn't murder him, I just shot him with a ray gun that made him age really really fast, so that he turned into a skeleton PRONTO.

My advice to you now is: DON'T TRUST ANYONE. Remember that because at some point you'll realize that you trusted someone, only to discover that the person you trusted was precisely the person you shouldn't have trusted in the first place. (Donovan!) So, you might ask, "How was San Rafael?" to which I will respond, 100% of the time, I will tell you how San Rafael was. I will tell you, but only if you give me a box of hundreds.

Expensive clothes? You think you can travel abroad whenever you feel like it? What are you? Some sort of character out of an Agatha Christie novel. I prefer Pegetha Christie, but I recognize the validity of photo album fuseboxes.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't the butler because there ain't one unless he shows up at the end and that would be a cop-out.

Anonymous said...

Right-ho. I'm off to play some croquet. Maybe I'll actually solve the murder. Tell me where I can find the nearest grand piano, mater.

Anonymous said...

good to see you back:)