Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Fungus Gnat

I hate to say that my house has bugs, but my wildlife sightings around home today consisted of mountain chickadees, a white-breasted nuthatch, house sparrows, fox squirrels, and a fungus gnat.  Fungus gnats are harmless bugs that tend to reproduce in damp houseplant soil or drains.  Since most of my houseplants are cacti that have not been watered for awhile, and since I saw this insect above my kitchen sink, I am guessing the drains of this old house might be due for a cleaning.  Bring on the bleach! 

Now, I know this is a wildlife blog, and I should celebrate all forms of life, but I do not want bugs to share my home with me.  I am grateful to this species that it doesn't want to bite me like a mosquito or sting me like a wasp, but I would still rather it didn't live in my kitchen.  I will celebrate this species by honoring it with a blog post, but I will clean my drains all the same. writes:  "Kaufman Guide to Insects notes that there are some 170 species of fungus gnats in North America."  So I don't believe that I will be narrowing down my identification any further...

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