Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Elegant Sunburst Lichen

I find lichens very difficult to identify, especially since there don't seem to be the same kinds of resources available online as the ones that help me identify birds and wildflowers.  I guess lichens are under-appreciated, but they are certainly interesting and even pretty, like the bright orange of the elegant sunburst lichen, Xanthoria elegans.  At least that's what I think this lichen is.

The colors of lichens are neat when viewed from a distance, but they become even more interesting when you get up close.  More variations in hue and texture can be seen, and these organisms exhibit more intricacy than expected.  What exactly is lichen?  See my blog post on  map lichen for more on that.

The USDA plants database calls this species the 'elegant orange wall lichen', which is not a terrible common name.  I have seen this lichen (or what I think is this lichen--I need a lichen expert to educate me!) on exposed stone both in town and in the mountains.  Wall or rock, it doesn't seem to mind.  At least I think it doesn't. 

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