Sunday, August 13, 2006

Escape from Floridatraz or The Exile Returns

In the month since my last post, I happily left my laptop at home to visit friends and family across the country. In the green hills of western North Carolina, I could breathe deeply the freshest air since moving to Florida. The break from the monotonous flatness and humidity was overjoying. I could stare at the trees and the landscape for hours.

Then I flew to Washington State. Backpacking in the Cascades, away from crowds, drinking fresh filtered water from mountain streams, I reveled in the smell of the evergreens and the feel of the temperature dropping in the evenings. Imagine needing to wear long sleeves at times! One morning my toes were even cold! (I admit, my toes and nose have been cold in Florida, but only at the movie theatre or domed Devil Rays' game.) I patted rocks, poked squishy moss, hugged trees, listened to babbling brooks and watched wildlife (like a cute marmot, who also watched me and whistled shrilly to warn his buddies of my presence). I hiked nearly 40 miles and got pestered at times by mosquitoes and flies, but sore muscles and bugs and sleeping on the hard ground only meant that I was finally again in the alpine wilderness, where I am happiest.

North Carolina was pretty. South Carolina was restful. I'll even admit that Florida has its nice bits and interesting animals. But I only feel at home when I can climb thousands of feet, cross above the treeline and absorb the tranquility.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First you post disgusting videos and now you have pictures of rodents? I, for one, am not only utterly revolted, but I also am saddened to a degree not experienced since Celine Dion's bodyguard punched me in the face.
All I was doing was singing, "If you asked me to, sha-bom, sha-bom, diddly-do, bam, bam, bam," and doing a little shake-dance and the next thing I know, this guy's fists are flying.
The mountain picture is okay, but the rushing torrent of water looks too dangerous.