Friday, December 22, 2006

A Perpetual Spree

Doctor's orders from the land of the moose-eating reindeer (a beautiful, but scary place): "write about things you like". That's a difficult assignment for a pessimistic cynic, so I guess it's time for a Scrooge-like change of tune (a la Albert Finney) from "I Hate People" to "I Like Life". If you don't know what I mean, watch the movie, but be warned: "Thank You Very Much" will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day.

Anyway, Scandinavians know best, so I will give it a go and pick a nice topic. Since 2006 is nearing its end, perhaps I will be totally unoriginal (but Cheery!) and list some of the best things about this year. Maybe that will fulfill some year-end obligations or expectations. Or whatever.

Best Album: Tom Petty's "A Highway Companion". It makes me want to take a road trip every time I hear it. Of course, maybe I'm just super-ready for a road trip...

Best Movie: "Thank You For Smoking". Great satire. Finally a smart, entertaining comedy in the land of "Deck the Halls" and "Meet the Fockers", etc, etc. Please go away, Ben Stiller. No, no, I'm not being negative here...I'm being optimistic that comedies will improve. Hey, "Little Miss Sunshine" was pretty good. And did you see Steven Colbert's speech in front of the president?

Best Stupid TV Show: "Hell's Kitchen". Not only was this reality show slightly entertaining with its angry British chef, but the prevalence of risotto dishes also inspired me to try ordering some, and I think it's yummy.

Books: This topic is definitely a lot harder, because I don't often read new releases. Even trying to pick the best book that I read in 2006 is difficult, because I can't remember reading any truly fabulous novels this year. "Pop Co", by Scarlett Thomas had a very intriguing idea--combining code-breaking and crossword puzzles with fads, trends and the dishonesty of advertising--but I wasn't thrilled with the cop-out resolution. For non-fiction on a related topic, "Status Anxiety" by Alain De Botton had interesting explanations of various types of status-seeking (which made me even more inclined to become a mountain recluse).

Success of the year: Wookie the cat learning to sit and lie down on command. I am a master feline trainer, or he is just very interested in treats.

Best location visited: Sorry, Rochester, NY, I'm going to have to go with Goat Rocks Wilderness in Washington State on this one. [NEGATIVE FLORIDA COMMENTS EDITED OUT]

Since I left me cannon at home, I'll simply have to say...Tra la la. Oom pah pah. See you in 2007.


feminist chick said...

And for 2007 -- teaching Wookie to roll over? I have total faith in you both.

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Good girl;)

Happy New Year!