Monday, October 22, 2007

Cross-Country Skiing

Today, I went cross-country skiing for the first time in three years. The sun shone brightly on the snow from a brilliantly blue sky, and my sweaty struggles to get uphill with long skinny boards attached to my feet made the twenty-five degree weather seem not so cold.

Okay, so I often slid backwards trying to go upslope and I admit to falling on a few of the downhills (I know that the snow was about five inches deep, because I managed to expose the dirt on one masterful face-down slide), but I still had fun. I picked an easy trail only ten minutes from home, which had numerous loops through the aspens and pines. I was impressed with how remote the area seemed, since the interstate passed quite close by. The snow must have muffled most of the sound, because everything was just beautiful.

After my thighs gave out from skiing, I wasn't ready to go home yet. Still warm from my battle with the hills, I decided to take a hike in an area that had received a little less snow. There was only and inch or two near the Vedauwoo rocks, so I hiked a few miles in my new snow boots.

They worked great, in case you were wondering. My toes stayed toasty and dry.

The icicles clinging to the rocks created an unexpected touch, and the entire wintery scene felt very peaceful. I saw rabbit prints in the snow, and a few birds hopped about braving the cold.

I guess not all the birds migrate south. While hiking the other day, I saw a bald eagle soaring effortlessly overhead, and not long later a golden eagle glided over my car as I drove home. The sparrows still come to my bird feeder, and the pigeons still roost in the falling down roof of a neighborhood house.

I'm glad I won't be going south for the winter, either. Today made me excited for winter sports. I look forward to getting on snowshoes and downhill skis again.

I'm planning to take a lesson on cross-country skiing techniques.

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